Thứ Sáu, 1 tháng 7, 2016

The 12 most impressive social good innovations from June

We are all full of good ideas — and sometimes those good ideas can change the world.

Whether it's an innovative take on an existing invention or a brand-new way to tackle a tough problem, inventors aren't shy when it comes to setting their impactful ideas into motion.

From a re-engineered condom to solar-powered charging stations for refugees, here are 12 innovations that caught our attention in June.

1. A prosthetic that is custom-molded in two hours

Startup AMPARO creates alternatives to traditional prosthetics, simplifying the process of custom-fitting an artificial limb. Traditionally, even the quickest turnaround for a custom prosthetic would be at least several weeks. The woman in the video above, however, was fitted for her AMPARO prosthetic in just two hours.

An AMPARO prosthetic's socket is also re-moldable, able to adjust to big or small changes in limb size for more comfort, and at no cost for replacements. With 80% of amputees worldwide lacking access to modern prosthetics, AMPARO hopes its innovation will help simplify the main barriers in access: manufacturing and customization.

The AMPARO prosthetic was one of three winners at the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Innovation Showcase in June.

2. The condom that refuses to rip


LELO HEX condoms are stronger, more durable condoms that decrease the chance of tears. The design, which has been seven years in the making, uses a hexagonal pattern to mold to the wearer, proving to be more forgiving of stress and friction than traditional condoms.

The inventors behind LELO HEX hope the condoms will reduce unintended pregnancies and STI transmissions by providing a more secure, more pleasurable type of protection.

The condom was released on June 13, with the company currently running an Indiegogo campaign to distribute the product to consumers.

3. Solar power stations that allow refugees to charge their phones

Smartphones are an essential lifeline for refugees, granting access to maps and information that aid in their journeys. Mobile devices also house messaging applications, allowing refugees to connect with families back home without high charges.

These features are crucial, but charging phones in overcrowded camps, where electricity is scarce, can be difficult.

That's why a team of students from Edinburgh University developed sun-powered charging stations for mobile phones, allowing refugees to power-up their devices. The students have installed two units in refugee camps in Greece, with each unit able to fully charge up to 240 devices each day.

4. The app that matches Seattle's homeless with donations

Image: WeCount

When you donate something, you want to make sure it goes where it's needed most. A new app is helping people do just that, connecting unwanted items to homeless populations in Seattle.

WeCount matches those in need with everything from sleeping bags to personal hygiene items. Once a person in need claims a donation via the website, the app provides both parties with directions to a safe and secure public drop-off site. The app also gives donors and recipients the option to keep in touch.

Though the app just launched in Seattle last month, reps say there are plans to expand to cities like San Francisco and Oakland soon.

5. 3D-printed weather stations bringing accurate forecasts to Zambia

Image: University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

Farmers in rural Zambia often don't have access to accurate weather forecasts, and weather stations are a rarity in these locations. But knowing the expected weather is crucial for any farmer, especially those in developing regions. Their crops — and ultimately their livelihoods — depend on it.

Researchers at the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research have spent the past three years developing a cheaper alternative to costly weather stations, using 3D printing to install weather stations in previously uncovered parts of the region. The 3D-printed stations cost a mere $300 — far less than the $10,000 to $20,000 a traditional setup runs. And maintenance costs are low as well, because replacement parts are easily printed.

The project is now in testing phases, with five pilot structures in Zambia. The researchers plan to hand off the entire project, including 3D-printers, to Zambian partners once their prototype phase is completed.

6. Edible toothpaste pods that replace wasteful tubes

Tubes of toothpaste are often overlooked as a major source of waste. Once you toss a plastic toothpaste tube, it can sit in a landfill for more than 500 years before decomposing, according to new startup Poppits.

So the company made tiny pods of toothpaste that generate little waste. The pod itself is made of an entirely edible film, and the packaging is biodegradable.

The eco-friendly toothpaste startup ran a lucrative Kickstarter campaign in June to help fund its innovate take on this common household necessity.

7. Birdhouses that reward clean air with free Wi-Fi

Amsterdam's pollution problem has long been criticized by officials and activists, breaking European Union standards and subjecting the region to fines. But a new initiative is showing residents just how bad the problem is — and incentivizing them to do something about it.

TreeWiFi tackles the pollution problem — with unsuspecting little birdhouses equipped with light-up roofs. If the air quality is low, the roof lights up red. If the air quality improves, the roof lights up green — and free Wi-Fi becomes available to residents.

TreeWiFi began prototype phases in June, with an official rollout expected throughout Amsterdam in September.

8. A robot that separates your recycling for you

Recycling is essential, but humans are extremely bad at it. We either don't properly sort our garbage, or don't even bother trying. That's where Trashbot comes in.

Created by startup CleanRobotics, Trashbot uses cameras, sensors, metal detectors and motors to sort discarded items into the right locations, cutting out human error or laziness.

A Trashbot prototype demonstration took place at the HAX8 conference in Shenzhen, China, in early June. The innovation will soon be beta-tested in Pittsburgh, at the city's airport and Google's local office.

9. Zero-electricity air conditioner made with plastic bottles

This Bangladeshi invention, dubbed the Eco-Cooler, is a zero-electricity air conditioner that uses repurposed plastic bottles to draw cool air into tin huts. The simple invention consists of halved plastic bottles placed on a board, which is then placed on the wall of a hut.

The bottles' necks compress hot air and cools it down, dropping temperatures inside a hut by as much as 5 degrees. The simple design has already been installed in more than 25,000 homes across Bangladesh, helping to make the unbearable summer heat a bit more manageable.

10. A game that teaches kids how to tackle climate change

Tackling climate change is no small undertaking — and even video games are gearing up to help. 

A new video game called Eco is inspiring middle schoolers to become invested in their environment. The game, developed by Strange Loop Games, allows students to build a virtual civilization with sustainability in mind.

Gamers need to protect their own virtual ecosystems through a series of tasks. They even have the ability to become climate activists within Eco, proposing and lobbying for laws — but only if they are backed by scientific data.

The game is currently in prototype phases, but won the 2016 Games for Change "Climate Challenge" in June.

11. A device that cleans coastlines by gathering debris

Ocean pollution is a big problem — and efforts to curb it need big solutions. Boyan Slat, a Dutch entrepreneur, was only 17 years old when he first proposed his concept for a massive ocean cleanup machine. It's an innovation years in the making that got its sea legs this month — thanks to more than $10 million in funding.

The unnamed device floats along the coast, creating an artificial coastline to gather debris on the surface of the ocean. A conveyer system then lifts the debris into a central tower, where it is sorted for disposal.

A prototype of the garbage-collecting device launched this month off the Dutch coast.

12. The high-tech toy designed to help autistic children socialize

Every child needs a friend, and Leka is a friend that can make a major difference — especially for autistic children.

An "interactive and multi-sensory smart toy," Leka encourages autistic children to play independently, helping them develop autonomy. The adorable smart toy is equipped with games that motivate social interactions, and also enhance motor, cognitive and emotional skills.

Leka plays sounds and music, speaks, lights up, and vibrates to engage a child in multi-sensory play. But the toy is also completely customizable, and can be tailored to a child's needs and comfort.

Leka completed a successful campaign on Indiegogo in June, raising more than 152% of its goal.

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