Thứ Năm, 20 tháng 10, 2016

The coolest transformations of Nintendo's beautiful Switch in GIFs

Image: nintendo

Nintendo is switching things up with its newly revealed transformative gaming console: Nintendo Switch.

Though the hardware's Thursday reveal left many unanswered questions relating to price, battery life and more, it did do one thing extremely well. The first look gave us a sneak peak at some of the many different ways the versatile gaming system can be used from the comfort of your living room and on-the-go.

The trailer was packed with a whole lot of information, so we assembled this collection of GIFs to highlight some of the Switch's sweetest features thus far.

It's a handheld device

It's a free-standing console

It's a living room console

It's a portable party machine

It uses cartridges

Is has a headphone jack (sup Apple?!)

It's sharable 

It's made for collaboration

Feel free to watch these GIFs on repeat while you get pumped for the Switch's March 2017 arrival.

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