Thứ Sáu, 21 tháng 10, 2016

Google wants to take over your wallpaper, just like everything else on your phone

Image: google

At Google's headquarters, there must be a room full of people trying to figure out which aspect of the Android phone the company still doesn't have its paws on.

Right now, on my phone I have the following Google apps installed: Google, Gmail, Maps, YouTube, Drive, Play, Play Music, Play Movies & TV, Hangouts, Photos, Google+, Play Newsstand, Play Games, Docs, Authenticator, Google Now Launcher, Google Cast, Calendar, Keep, Slides, Earth, Cardboard Camera, Arts & Culture, Allo, Goggles and Translate, and there are plenty more available on Google Play. 

Add another app to that list: Wallpapers. First launched on the company's new Pixel and PIxel XL phones, the app has recently become available to everyone, as noticed by Android Central

All jokes about Google's ravenous need to swarm your Android phone with its apps aside, the Wallpapers app is actually quite cool. It offers a variety of wallpapers, which you can set as a one-time thing, or turn on the Daily wallpaper feature, which gives your phone a new wallpaper every day. 

Image: Stan Schroeder/Mashable

The images come from Google Earth, Google+ and 500px, and you can choose from five topics: Earth, Landscape, Cityscapes, Life and Textures. The app also taps into your camera photos and images from the designated wallpapers folder on your phone. 

Unfortunately, only Android 7.0+ users get the option to set a different image for the phone's home and lock screens. If you have an earlier version of Android, the app will only be able to set a wallpaper for your home screen. 

While finding wallpapers for your phone is not a very difficult task, and most phones these days have themes and their own, built-in ways to set periodically changing wallpapers, there's something to be said for getting a new, beautiful satellite image of Earth as your phone's background every 24 hours. 

You can download the Google Wallpapers app from Google Play, here.  

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